New Bins Q&As

Council has provided a list of Q&As as part of the new bin rollout in September. If your question has not been answered here, please call Council on 08 8962 0000.

1. When does the new bin rollout begin?
It starts on Monday, 3 September. You put your old bin out as usual the night before your usual bin collection date.
2. What is the process of the new bin rollout?
Please download the step-by-step guide​ and the Media Release which are available at the end of the Q&A session.
3. I’m a tenant. Does the rollout apply to me?
Yes. As part of your tenancy agreement you would be responsible for making sure your bins are put out for collection each week.
4. Why is Barkly Regional Council doing this?
Council is supplying new bins with a red lid as many existing bins in the township are damaged or beyond repair. There are also a variety of bins around town which are not compliant and risk damaging our equipment. With Council now supplying bins we can easily identify which bins Council needs to empty.
5. I just spent $80 on a new bin and now Council won’t empty it. Why?
Council apologies for any inconvenience this has caused. However, we have provided a new bin free of charge so property owners will not have to pay for bins in the future – only the service of collecting waste.
6. Why won’t Council continue to empty my additional bins for free?
Council needs to recover the cost of collecting and disposing of rubbish. If we did not charge for this service, rates would need to increase considerably to cover the cost.
7. How many bins do I pay for to be emptied?
Each property (house, business, unit complex) pays a charge for their bin to be emptied by Council.
For example, if you are the property owner of a unit complex, you pay for the service to empty each bin currently charged for on your rates notice.
Some businesses pay for a number of bins to be emptied as part of their rates bill. They will receive the corresponding number of new bins.
If you only pay for one bin to be emptied as part of your rates bill, you will only receive one new bin. Call Council on 08 8962 0000 if you require more information.
8. Can I order an extra bin?
If you need additional bins we can supply them. However, remember that the cost to empty your bin weekly is per the fees and charges per year which is charged on your rates bill. Come into the Council office and pay the fee (or part thereof for the rest of this year). The charge will then be added to future year’s rates bills. Call Council on 08 8962 0000 if you require more information.
9. What happens if I do not get a new bin?
Call the Council on 08 8962 0000, give your address to reception, and we’ll check if a delivery was made. If not, we will organise for the Depot to provide a new bin for you.
10. If the new bin is damaged, will Council replace it?
Yes. Council will remove the damaged bin and give you a new bin. You must arrange for a time for the damaged bin to be collected.
11. Can l ask Council to empty my bin(s) daily?
Yes. However, this will come at a cost to you. Call Council on 08 8962 0000 and ask reception to be put through to our Rates Officer to calculate the costs.
12. Can I request to have additional new bins emptied in a one-off scenario, like cleaning up after a function?
You can but this can only occur occasionally. It will cost the resident $10 per bin for Council to empty.
13. Can I keep my old bin(s)?
Yes. However, Council will not empty your old bin(s) under any circumstances once your new bin with the red lid is delivered. You can still use your old bin(s) and take household rubbish to the tip for free. Property owners are paying for the service to have household waste picked up (not the bin) as part of your rates bill.
14. How do I get rid of my old bin(s)?
Letters to residents will be taped to the lid of your old bin. Enclosed will be a sticker saying, 'Please remove this bin’. Place that sticker on top of your old bin and Council will remove as soon as possible. Please allow for some time for Council to complete this process.
15. Can I come in before the rollout and swap my bin?
This is not possible. The Council Depot has a check list for each household and business to ensure no property owner, who has paid for the service to empty their bin(s) as part of their rates bill, is overlooked.